Aug. 12th, 2010
My sweet Kaylee- -already in the 4th grade. Where does time go? Kaylee gets to have her first MAN grade-school teacher. So far (almost a week into school now) she is happy with him. She also just joined the school music program and will be learning to play the VIOLIN! She's so excited for this.
Go Kaylee!
And then there's Ashtyn. 3rd grade already. New classmates, new teacher, all the questions and unknown territories to cover. Wow- it's going to be a big year. Ashtyn has gone from not wanting to pull her back in any way, and not allowing me to touch it at all, to wanting me to put it in a "high pony tail" every day. She has discovered that having longer hair now can actually be fun to pull back. It's amazing the things a 3rd grader can learn!